Steps towards Peace in the Walk of Peace and Friendship 2014

Members of Hounslow Friends of Faith stepped out on 22nd June on their annual Walk of Peace and Friendship.  The walkers were welcomed at five faith institutions in Isleworth, representing Muslim, Sikh, Christian and Quaker communities all within a radius of less than two miles.  At each stop, a short presentation provided over 40 participants with an insight into beliefs and practices; and refreshments reinforced the spirit of friendship.

Insights learnt                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Members heard how the Sikh school uses stories from other religions in their faith teaching.  The Quakers highlighted their concern for peace and community building.  The Islamic Centre reminded us that only a tiny minority of Muslims are extremely radical and are not in any way representative of the vast majority. St John’s Church also mentioned community, highlighted by their successful summer fair the day before.  The nuns in Gumley House exemplified the inspiration to service.

Mayor’s support                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Councillor Corinna Smart, the Mayor of the London Borough of Hounslow, showed her support by joining the walk.   One concrete outcome of the event was a proposal to establish closer ties between two of the institutions.   ‘Very informative’ and ‘learned a lot’ were two of the feedback comments and suggestions were made for future visits.