Peace and Remembrance

Corridor Queens 1Children from three primary schools in Richmond presented artwork for an exhibition on Peace and Remembrance during November.

Coordinated by Hounslow Friends of Faith and Richmond SACRE, (Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education) the children from The Queen’s, Darrell and Archdeacon Cambridge primary schools staged an exhibition using local stories of conflict, remembrance, peace-making and citizenship during the First World War.

The exhibition was based at Orleans House Gallery in Twickenham, thanks to a generous grant from Richmond’s Civic Pride fund.  It ran for from 4th to 22nd November inclusive, covering both Remembrance Day and Inter Faith Week from 15th  to 21st November.

Charanjit Ajit Singh, Chair of Hounslow Friends of Faith, a member of both Richmond and Hounslow SACRE and also Vice Chair of Richmond Inter Faith Forum, said: “the project helped the children learn about the impact of conflict on families and on refugees and how they can use this understanding to work towards peace in their school and community”.

During WW1 refugees from Belgium lived for a time in East Twickenham.

The exhibition was launched on 4th November in the Octagon Room in Orleans House Gallery, Riverside, Twickenham TW1 3DJ.  A selection of work remained in the main building until 22nd November.