Follow up to Neighbours in Faith

Event Details

A lunchtime meeting to follow up on the former Mayor of Hounslow’s Meeting of Faith Leaders. This celebrated the social welfare work of faith communities in Hounslow and discussed areas where more information and support was needed.

At this working lunch, information on these topics will be provided.  There will a chance to share updates informally on the work faith groups are doing and to map more thoroughly what is happening round the borough. In addition we will be hearing about current work with refugees and future possibilities.

The event takes place in Hounslow Civic Centre, Lampton Road, Hounslow TW3 4DN. Lunch will be provided.

All places of worship are warmly encouraged to send a representative, even those who didn’t attend in April.

RSVP to 020 8583 2197  or to 07812 833635 or